Crazy and KOOOKOOO Pictures of Carly that she always takes but never posts for some sort of reason

saying Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Everyone Loves Pink Panther

Most of you veiwing this probably didnt know that i am tottaly into The Pink Panther cartoons. (But you probably do know that i am into monkeys! :)) Anyways, with every post i put on, i am going to include a pink panther clip art! I have found lots on the internet, so it shouldnt be too difficult. See the video clips on the side.


baller17 said...

i like your blog

Anonymous said...

Hi! Carly! How is the Pink Panther thing going? I think your blog is cute!


Anonymous said...

I never knew you liked the Pink Panther!
Oooh! I have a good idea!
You know those things where you take two persons' faces and it makes their child? I could do a monkey and the Pink Panther! Does your mom have Photoshop? Cause she is like so toally graphical you know?

Have fun on the rest of winter break!

What Twilight Character Are you?
