Bless you! Sickness is in the air during this season, and aparently... in my system,too. (I can relate to Mrs. G's membrains Alexis!!) If when i say sickness i mean stomach acid........ Yep! GROSS! So, here is the story for those of you who dont read minds...:) Yesterday I got out of the shower and I had some cramps around my waist. (Mommy thought it was the usual girly stuff...if you know what I mean) Anyway, i just kinda ignored them and ate a typical breakfast. (Cereal..toast...yadda yadda) Well, when I got to school I seriously felt as if I was being repeadiadly stabedin the stomach. So, in secound hour I called my parents and they picked me up. (by this time i was in tears, but i AM a At home i curled up in a ball, drank gatoraide, and tried to ignore my gurgleing(yes i said GURGLEING) tummy. Luckly, at young womens, i talked to nurse Nancy, (my moms freind who knows EVERYTHING about sickly children:)) and we pick up some meds from her house after she figured out my stange belly problems:) I have to take it to shool and have one an hour before evey meal.... AAARRRRG! but better than a stomach ache, right? At least i dont look as bad as the pink panther in this pic!! :)
Remind me to post my ding-dong ditchers story. (I dont have time right know!!)
P.S. sorry about spelling and grammer the spell check wont work...and i am LAZY!!
Anyone seen National Treasure 2? Whatda think? TELL ME!! :)I saw it a week or two ago with Lexie (Alexis) and it was REALY good. Long...but good. So, anyway back to the real reason for the post! I am not going to school tommorrow, cuz they are going on a feild trip to see it. tee-hee! Anyways, so Alexis is not going to school either, so we are going to hang-out and then go to the school dance at 6:00 pm. It will be fun. MY FIRST DANCE!!!! woo! See what I said after HERE!
(After, Alexis and Sami came home with me and slep over. ALL night we wer watching "She's the Man" (love that movie by the way) and TALKING OUR HEADS OFF!!! Yes...we went to bed...BUT NOT TILL 3:00! :) I love sleep overs...)
So........ tomorrow I start my 7th and 8th grade Soccer club! :) It is going to be fun, and i know you are probably laughing at the pictures rolling through your mind of me kicking around a ball, but the cool thing and only reason why i am doing it is: the coaches are my two FAVE teachers, EVERYONE, athletic or not, is doing it.
Second, I am going to do a book club with my language teacher who I LOVE!! I am trying REALLY hard to get her to do the Princess diary books...there is nine.... The authors web page is REALLY cool! (Click here for her website) The books look really fun, so anyone who wants to read them with me PLEASE let me know!! We could have an online book discussion!!
Okay, so, last,but not least, I am going to to a Babbysitting clas with Kennedy for girls 10 & 11. It should be SUPER fun! If you know anyone who might want to do it you can email me at!
OMGosh! Pink Panther Day is almost here!!!! Remember! Watch ALL of the Pink Panther vids. that i post so you can vote on them later!!! Here is the schedule for today: 12:00- The day begins!! 1:30- More videos! 2:30- Shout-outs!(email me at to give me a shout out) 3:00- Time for the video voting!! 3:30 - online chat! (through comments that you post!)
Keep checking up on this ALL day! If you have my email you can contact me that way too!
Alrighty! Good news! On January, 19th, next Saturday......drum roll please!.........get ready!.........................PINK PANTHER DAY BEGINS!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!! For the WHOLE day, keep checking into my blog for a BUNCH of cartoons and a CRAZY poll for you at the end! If you are ready for some FUN then HERE is the place to be! Anyone who you think might like the Pink Panther.........EMAIL THEM and tell them to come and see! The world with................. I glad to be back at school??? OR not?? Do you ever feel like a rain cloud is following you? (Huh funny, it was a rainy day already!) Well, first of all.... I got a new scedual that i am NOT happy about. I got switched to a new math hour, and it gets a little hard to participate with certain people around me if you know what i mean. But, on the bright side, i have a new hour with Lexi-poo! I also have to start out the day (well, the secound part of the day) with a REALY strict and a little strangePE teacher. I know, I know, i sound ungreatful and dramatic , but, hey, I'm a DRAMA geek! Thats what we do! :).....:( .........?
Today, at church, i was set apart to be the first councilor in my young women's class! I am SO excited! I absolutely love the president , Martha , too. She is so sweet and will be a great leader. I can't wait to work with her to welcome new young women, and to plan out activities for the ones we have right now.
Yesterday, I auditioned for our stake play, Hello Dolly, which my mother is directing. I am exited to see the cast list. It is going to be put on the stake play website sometime between the 17th & 19th. Hello Dolly is going to be a BLAST!!!
Today my mom and I went to Olive Garden with Autumn and Gayla. It was really fun to go to lunch and just hang out. Mmmmmm.....yummy!
Tonight are the first auditions for our Stake play at my church. It should be really fun, but i am nervous. I am hoping to get a part were i can be on stage alot. What do ya think? Can you picture me with a green suit, frizzy hair, and a unicycle?? LOL Im jk. ttyl!!
Most of you veiwing this probably didnt know that i am tottaly into The Pink Panther cartoons. (But you probably do know that i am into monkeys! :)) Anyways, with every post i put on, i am going to include a pink panther clip art! I have found lots on the internet, so it shouldnt be too difficult. See the video clips on the side.
Hi, My name is Carly. My nickname has been monkeybuns since i was only a baby, and it has seemed to stick. I love MONKEYS, being with my family, and hanging out with my freinds. I created this blog so that i could talk to my freinds and share my life with them. Hope you guys like it.