Crazy and KOOOKOOO Pictures of Carly that she always takes but never posts for some sort of reason

saying Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Prop. 102, and a Little Opera, Can Make a Girl Happy

Anyways, VOTE YES ON 102!

MY DEFINITION OF MARRAIGE: when a man and a woman legally become partners and set a foundation for families.

Sadly, we live in a world where ideas about this are strange, and changed to any "two people" can get married. Proposition 102, for those of you who don't know, is a proposition that states that marriage can only be between one man and one woman, and supports the family. (Dragqueens do NOT count as women BTW, people! :P eeewww gross) To show our spirit, my Daddy and I put up a "YES! on 102." sign in our yard. I feel so patriotic! or something like that......

I feel so proud of me self!

Watch this cute vid someone put on youtube to support 102 (kinda goes along with the post's title too, huh!?)

On another note..... I had my first rehearsals for TOSCA yesterday! Some of you might not know that I am an Opera Star. (ha ha just kidding) Any way, I was in PMO's (pheonix metropolitain opera) debut of "La Boheme" last Christmas! Visit their site HERE and read more about my show! AHHH! I am so excited!
Here is me and my fav little preformer (and one of my best buddies from theatre) Chloe!
Anyone want to try and attempt to sing, let alone pronounce, this? Didn't think so.... (I still love it even though I've lots of work to do)

I'M SO HAPPY :D hehehehahahahahahahahoohoohoohuh?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are such a coppier that was MY post idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What Twilight Character Are you?
